@extends('layouts.admin') @section('title') Nodes → New @endsection @section('content-header')
Character limits: a-zA-Z0-9_.- and [Space] (min 1, max 100 characters).
By setting a node to private you will be denying the ability to auto-deploy to this node.
This option allows you to control whether this node is visible via the Server Creation page of the Jexactyl Storefront. If it is set to disabled, users will not be able to deploy on this node.
Please enter domain name (e.g node.example.com) to be used for connecting to the daemon. An IP address may be used only if you are not using SSL for this node.
Entering a value here means that users deploying a server via the Storefront must pay a fee in credits to deploy to this node.
Your Panel is currently configured to use a secure connection. In order for browsers to connect to your node it must use a SSL connection.
In most cases you should select to use a SSL connection. If using an IP Address or you do not wish to use SSL at all, select a HTTP connection.
If you are running the daemon behind a proxy such as Cloudflare, select this to have the daemon skip looking for certificates on boot.
Enter the directory where server files should be stored. If you use OVH you should check your partition scheme. You may need to use /home/daemon-data to have enough space.
Enter the total amount of memory available for new servers. If you would like to allow overallocation of memory enter the percentage that you want to allow. To disable checking for overallocation enter -1 into the field. Entering 0 will prevent creating new servers if it would put the node over the limit.
Enter the total amount of disk space available for new servers. If you would like to allow overallocation of disk space enter the percentage that you want to allow. To disable checking for overallocation enter -1 into the field. Entering 0 will prevent creating new servers if it would put the node over the limit.
The daemon runs its own SFTP management container and does not use the SSHd process on the main physical server. Do not use the same port that you have assigned for your physical server's SSH process. If you will be running the daemon behind CloudFlare® you should set the daemon port to 8443 to allow websocket proxying over SSL.